Better Financing = Bigger Profits
Is your current lender following through on this? At Agrow we are often able to move our customers to a lower fixed rate from their existing higher variable rates (as well as fixed).
Getting a lower rate isn’t the only thing that Agrow can help with. Agrow (headquartered in Austin, TX) has 39+ years of agricultural lending history and partners with borrowers to provide financing for:
This year (again) Texans have had to endure both drought and flooding while simultaneously facing continued dropping cattle and crop prices. Most likely there will be continued pressure on agriculture, both locally and internationally.
With many farms already having to carry-over expenses, it is more important than ever to reduce risk by having solid financing in place. As the season of low interest rates has ended, now is the time to prepare for tightening liquidity by securing your fixed rate financing before rates climb even higher, or circumstances change making it more difficult to refinance.
Call or email us today to get your financing working for you!
Austin – (512) 892.8999 or Thibodaux – (985) 492.1261
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